Perform substring search for emails even if Workplace admin hides email profile field.

Attack can perform substring search for emails even if Workplace admin hides email profile field.

As admin From the Admin Panel, goto Settings >> Profile fields >> on Email field Turn visibility off.

Bug 1 : Reward $1000
Login as non-admin user in Workplace4Android

1. Connect workplace installed mobile to PC with usb debugging enabled
2. Run ADB command from terminal :

adb shell am start -d “fb-work://at_work_company_dashboard_manage_people”

3. Workplace launches “Manage People” activity
4. In search box perform any email search query like “” “” “or random full email in result user associated with searched email will appears.

5. In this dashboard we can also get Claimed/Deactivated/Invited users.

Bug 2 : Reward $1000
In workplace web As non-admin user

1. Goto Directory >> Search box
2. In search box perform any email search query like “” “” “or random full email in result user associated with searched email appears as result.

Bug 1:
05/October/20 : Submitted
14/October/20 : Resolved

Bug 2:
18/August/20 : Submitted
16/September/20: Resolved