Koo App Vulnerability : Stored XSS (Cloudflare bypass)

Koo App

XSS vulnerability found in Koo App: Koo is a Bengaluru-based microblogging mobile application with 5 million users which is known to be an Indian alternative to Twitter. Koo app allows users to connect, engage and interact in 13 regional languages such as Bengali, Telugu, Punjabi, Kannada, Hindi among several others. The application was an instant hit because of its vast language options as untapped user base in India which is not English speaking or want a platform to engage in their local language, has a lot of potential.

Description: Stored XSS, also known as persistent XSS is more damaging than non-persistent XSS. It occurs when a malicious script is injected directly into a vulnerable web application.

Steps To Reproduce Koo App XSS:

1. Goto https://kooapp.com and login

2. Then create koo and put xss encoded payload: %3Csvg%20onx%3D%28%29%20onload%3D%28confirm%29%28JSON.stringify%28localStorage%29%29%3E

3. Post koo

Now anybody who visit this koo then xss gets triggered.


Another endpoint was vulnerable :

Reflected XSS in hashtag feature:


Both issue has been resolved.

Note: It is still vulnerable for html injection.

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