DoS on Facebook Android using 65530 chars of ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE.

Summary: It was possible to delete facebook users draft and settings using DoS with zero width no-break space.

Step to reproduce:

  • Create draft post in facebook android app as well as set setting on auto video play to never.
  • copy content of
  • Open in Mozilla, Create a new note, give title and paste the copied content in body of note and publish the note.
  • Visit created note on facebook’s android app, App will goes in infinity loop and user have to close app.
  • And it will reset session and ask login again.
  • After login user could draft and setting has deleted.

Proof of concept:

Status of Vulnerability: Fixed with comment (fb consider DoS attacks in scope as long as they are persistent. (e.g. would require a user to uninstall an app or break a complete functionality)).

Thanks )